Happy 90th Birthday Thomas Kelley

                      The Guest of Honor!!!!!!                                                         Just Having Fun!!!!!!!!


Daniel Kelley and Elaine with Children and Grand Children                            Pat Kelley/Savage with her 5 Children


       Frank Blesi with his 4 Children                                             Nancy and Bob Brown with Children and Grand Children


Michael & Kathy Kelley with Children and brides to be                        Grandpa and his LOVING Grandchildren


Many of the Great-Grandchildren were Happy to come!!!!                Niece Gloria giving Tomas a kiss


The nieces from Rhode Island were a big hit too!!!                                        Grandpa still cutting a rug at 90

A Great thanks to Flo for making this wonderful event happen                                  A Wonderful Time was had by all



Many more pictures available to download at:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ThomasKelleyclan/    Just login and join Group. If you do not have a Yahoo ID just follow directions to join then enter the group.....